How to

How to redeem SBI credit card reward points?

Are you a SBI card holder and want to redeem sbi credit card points? By the way, don’t get into credit card debt for reward points. Basically,all credit card reward points are a marketing ploy for the gullible. Compared to the cost you have to pay, they pay peanuts. For Rs.1oo you get one point. It is acutally not worth.

However, if you are a regular Sbi credit card user and pays back regularly, then you get some bonus with these points. By the way, the minimum they require is 1000 sbi credit card points. That means to get 1000 points you have to spent Rs.100000 and what you get is a Rs.200 Cafe coffee day gift voucher and they will credit Rs 99.00 to send that to you. And the Sbi credit card points are only valid for few months. Aren’t we fools?
Anyway, if you already have points then follow this to redeem it.

Way to redeem SBI credit Card points?

sbi  credit card reward points

Go to this link to redeem your Sbi credit card points.
Login to and then you can select the products according to your credit card points alone or combine again the credit card points plus balance amount extra and postage/delivery charges to get your gift.
If you want to know how much reward points you have,then login to site and you can see the points you have.
If you have not registered you sbi credit card online to access the Then you can go here and register your card. Then you will able to login to the website to see your points,statements etc.
After you logging in, on the sidebar menu select Redeem your Reward link to select your product or you can redeem through by Calling the SBI Card helpline 39020202(prefix local STD code), if calling from BSNL/MTNL line dial 1860 180 1290 or Write to us at PO Box 28, GPO, New Delhi- 110001

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