Credit cards are now widely used for various transactions. So the credit to be lost or stolen is becoming common. Unless you are extra cautious a lost or stolen credit card can bring you heavy loss. Basically all the credit card companies hold the credit card holder responsible for all the transactions and you will be reponsible for all the credit card payments, if someone misuses your credit card.
Here are some of the information you need to know if you lost your credit card. Various credit card companies different rules regarding the lost or stolen cards.
HSBC Platinum, Gold, Classic credits credit cards offer Zero lost Laibility. Here is the condition
Credit cardholders have zero lost-credit card liability after the loss of the credit card has been reported to the Bank in writing or to the VISA / MasterCard Global Emergency Assistance Helplines. However, you will be liable for all charges incurred on your credit card before you report the loss of your credit card.
Standard Chartered Bank and ABN ABRO bank offers insurance protection for the libilaites of the lost card, however you have to pay the premium for the insurance. Citi Bank Credit cards, SBI credit cards also gives insurance protection. For most cards, the insurance for liabilites upto Rs. 1 Lakh, the premium is Rs.100 per month.
ICICI credit cards also offer zero liability but the credit card holder should contact the customer care but is liable for the payments before the reporting.
For the all credit cards the process to complaint or report a lost of stolen credit card is the following.
First,Call the customer care centres of your credit card bank and inform the lost. Or you can also report to Visa card or Master card emergency numbers given below. Please record and keep the time and date of your call etc for future reference.
Second,Report the lost of your credit card at the nearest police station. Get an FIR.
Third, With the FIR, send a fax or lettter to the credit card company bank again.
Keep all the records for future use like credit card number, time it was lost, place, Date and time complained etc.
Incase if banks don’t help, you can contact the Reserve Bank of India for help.
The key thing to remember is to keep the credit card safe to avoid all the hassles and tension.
Visa Global Customer Assistance Service: India
Access Code 000-117 then 866-765-9644
Mastercard Global service emergency number
India: 000-800-100-1087
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