How to

SBI Internet Banking Registration in Six Easy Steps

Internet Banking is now become essential after demonetisation announcement.

SBI offers internet Banking facilities through website or through mobile phones. To access that we need to first do the internet banking registration.

Here is the step by step tutorial for activating SBI internet Banking services.

First Step: Apply for Internet Banking Services.

To apply get the application from your SBI branch and fill it and submit it to the Bank. In the application, you need to put your phone number etc. Then you will be given a SBI Internet Banking Pre-Printed Kit. Inside the kit you will have the username and password. If the packet is tampered, please give it back and get a new one.

Second Step: Go to and login

Now you need to go to SBI online internet banking website

State Bank of India Internet Banking website

Login using your username and password in your PrePrinted Kit
1) The first one is the username
2) The second one is the password.
If you done it correctly. It will login to the site. If you make mistakes three times in entering the username and password. It will automatically lock for a day. You can try again the next day.

Third Step: Enter a new username
The screen will require you to enter a new username.
Use a username which you can easily remember. You can check below link for its availability.
Please write it in a paper and type it in.

Fourth Step: Enter a new password
Enter a new password with Letter numerals and special characters. It should be more than 8 character length.Passwords are case sensitive so please write it in a paper and type it in.
Enter the same new password again.

Sixth Step: Enter a Profile password and Hint questions
This is also very important one.
So have a profile password of more than 8 character with letters, numerals and special characters.
Passwords are case sensitive so please write it in a paper and type it in.
Confirm by entering the same profile password again.
Select the question for hint answer
Enter your date of birth
Enter your place of birth
Enter your mobile number which you have given to your bank.

Great if you done everything correctly you see the message then you have done the SBI internet banking registration successfully. Now you can access internet banking and use it in your mobile app or website.