Now with Paymate you can do online purchases, pay shopping bills or pay your monthly utility bills without carrying cash or credit card. You can make payments with your mobile phone. Paymate gives the facility to use any mobile phone (GSM or CDMA) and make the payment by sending SMS.
This is how it works.
First you register with Paymate (free) by linking your mobile phone with your existing bank account, credit card or debit card. After this, you will receive a four digit pin. When you want to make a payment, chose Paymate option. Then you will receive the payment amount as SMS. You agree to pay using your four digit pin number by sending an SMS. When the transaction is over and the amount will be charged to your bank account or credit card.
If you have account with any of these banks HDFC Bank, Canara Bank, Corporation Bank, ABN AMRO Bank, South Indian Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, then you can make payments through Paymate. You can link multiple credit cards to your mobile phone and choose anyone for the payment.
Paymate doesn’t charge any extra fees for transactions but every SMS will cost Rs 2.00.