As Tamil nadu elections are approaching, it is good know whether you can vote. Voter id card is essential for casting your vote in the coming elections.
There are many ways to search your name in the voter id list online.
Voter id list Tamil nadu
1 )You can search your name with your photo election id EPIC number online at the Tamil Nadu Election Commission Website here
2)Â Search the Voter list of Tamil Nadu 2015Â online here
3) You can download Voters list PDF 2014 in Tamil and search your name.
Chennai voter id list 2015
4)The voter id list of Chennai Assembly constituencies are available in English.
Voter List Chennai 2015
Search your name in the electoral roll by downloading the voters list in English. Download the voter id list here
Voter id details through SMS
5) Get the Voter details and polling booth details by sending SMS to 9444123456Â in this format: Type epic <space> Voters id No. Eg: epic ESB12345
Then you will receive back an SMS with the serial number, part number, polling booth station and other details.